New Livfit Drop
New Livfit Drop
New Livfit Drop helps in the effective functioning of the liver. It helps relieve stomach problems like bloating, acidity and stomach pain. It can provide relief from gas problems and reduce the symptoms of poor food assimilation in your body. It may help in managing minor liver issues. Ingredients: Bhringaraja, Bhumyamlaki, Amlaparin, Sarapunkha, Kasni Vanya, Guduchi, Hareetaki, Punarnava, Kalamegha, Katuka Rohini, Parpat, Flavoured Syrup Base Benefits: It improves metabolic rate, and helps in weight management and overall energy levels|This solution is effective in solving liver-related problems|It helps in proper digestion|It works as a liver tonic and helps address other digestion-related issues|It may help in preventing liver damage|Chromium helps regulate blood sugar levels, supporting metabolic health Direction of use: Use as directed by a healthcare professional. Uses: It supports liver health and detoxification processes|Vitamin B12 is essential for energy production and neurological function|Chromium helps regulate blood sugar levels, supporting metabolic health